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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (3-2019) ::
2019, 6(2): 36-43 Back to browse issues page
Verbal inflection deficit in Kurdish-speaking aphasia patients
Kazhal Feilinezhad , Habib Gowhari , Kurosh Sayemiri , Tayebeh Khoshbakht
Psychosocial Injuries Research Center, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (2751 Views)
Introduction: Aphasia is a language disorder which can affect different aspects of language production and comprehension. Broca’s aphasia is a non-fluent type of aphasia in which patients suffer from a deficit in the use of function words and inflectional categories of the verb.
Materials and methods: Two Kurdish- Speaking patients diagnosed with Broca’s Aphasia were selected to be investigated for their linguistic performance in the main inflectional categories of verbs including grammatical agreement, tense and aspect. To collect the data, natural conversations of the patients were recorded to be analyzed. Sentence Completion Task (SCT) was, also, employed to find the less frequent inflectional categories. SPSS version 23 was utilized to analyze the collected corpora.
Results: Both patients had a relatively intact agreement system, while both committed a higher number of errors as far as grammatical tense is concerned. Finally, the worst linguistic performance for the two patients was reported to be in the appropriate use of markers to represent grammatical aspect.
Conclusion: Grammatical aspect was found to be the most problematic inflectional category, while grammatical agreement was the least severely damage category for Kurdish-speaking aphasic patients.
Keywords: Broca’ aphasia, Inflectional category, Agreement, Tense, Aspect
Full-Text [PDF 769 kb]   (887 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Neurology
Received: 2019/04/23 | Accepted: 2019/06/26 | Published: 2019/11/26
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Feilinezhad K, Gowhari H, Sayemiri K, Khoshbakht T. Verbal inflection deficit in Kurdish-speaking aphasia patients. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2019; 6 (2) :36-43
URL: http://jbrms.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-420-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 2 (3-2019) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی تحقیقات پایه در علوم پزشکی Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences
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