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:: Volume 3, Issue 3 (6-2016) ::
2016, 3(3): 15-20 Back to browse issues page
Evaluating the effect of exercise and nutrition on bone density in rats
Fatemeh Piri , Afra Khosravi , Siamak Derakhshan , Kourosh Sayehmiri , Ardeshir Moayeri
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Ilam, Iran , moayeri46@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4687 Views)

Introduction: The aim of this research was to study the effect of a 6-week supplemented diet on increasing bone density by measuring calcium, phosphorus and bone mineral density (BMD) in male rats.

Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 24 Wistar male rats, aged between 15 and 20 days, were selected. The rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: immune system supplement (ISS), ISS plus exercise and control. Daily swimming was performed by time-increasing (starting from ten minutes and ten minutes was added each day and was fixed at sixty minutes). Supplements strengthening the immune system containing calcium and phosphorus were given to rats (5g/kg/day). After six weeks, BMD was measured using bone densitometer. Animals were anesthetized with ketamine and blood samples were gathered in order to separate their serum. The serum samples were used to measure calcium, phosphorus by the ELISA method.

Results: The results showed that in both groups (ISS plus exercise and ISS), BMD was higher than the control group. The highest level of calcium, phosphorus and BMD was seen in the group whose members were ISS plus exercise group. In contrast, the least amount of the mentioned markers was reported in the control group.

Conclusion: The results indicate a small but positive effect of ISS on whole body BMD in male rat; also results indicate the combination of exercise and proper nutrition was more effective on increasing the bone density in comparison with the proper nutrition sedentary group.

Keywords: Calcium, BMD, Phosphorus, Exercise
Full-Text [PDF 536 kb]   (1139 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Medical Anatomy
Received: 2015/06/29 | Accepted: 2015/09/13 | Published: 2016/02/14
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Piri F, khosravi A, Derakhshan S, Sayehmiri K, Moayeri A. Evaluating the effect of exercise and nutrition on bone density in rats. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2016; 3 (3) :15-20
URL: http://jbrms.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-154-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 3 (6-2016) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی تحقیقات پایه در علوم پزشکی Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences
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