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:: Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2015) ::
2015, 2(4): 24-29 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of the relationship of serum lipid profile and glucose levels with different seasons of year in healthy individuals
Mansour Amraei , Leila Abasian , Masoumeh Asadi , Safoura Mohamadpour , Parastoo Shahmir
Abstract:   (4577 Views)
Introduction: Glucose, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL-c), triglyceride, and high density lipoprotein (HDL-c) are the related biochemical factors to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The present study aimed to assess the seasonal changes in serum levels of these factors in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: In the present applied study, demographic information and written informed consent forms were completed for all the individuals referring to laboratory of Mustafa Khomeini Hospital, Ilam, Iran during 2014-2015. Then, glucose, cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, and triglyceride levels in the subjects were measured. After all, the data were entered into the SPSS statistical software and analyzed using Chi-square test and ANOVA. P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The results showed a significant increase in serum glucose and triglyceride levels in fall and winter compared to spring and summer (P<0.001). A significant increase was also observed in serum glucose level in winter compared to fall (P<0.001). On the other hand, serum HDL-c level significantly decreased in fall and winter in comparison to spring and summer (P<0.001). This biochemical factor also showed a significant decrease in winter compared to fall (P<0.001). Conclusion: Identification of proper seasonal patterns can play a role in preparedness of transfer centers as well as emergency and treatment centers for sudden increase in the number of patients. It is also of great importance in providing the necessary facilities for treatment of such patients.
Keywords: seasons, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases
Full-Text [PDF 434 kb]   (1225 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Physiology
Received: 2015/07/11 | Accepted: 2015/08/29 | Published: 2015/10/12
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Amraei M, Abasian L, Asadi M, Mohamadpour S, Shahmir P. Investigation of the relationship of serum lipid profile and glucose levels with different seasons of year in healthy individuals. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2015; 2 (4) :24-29
URL: http://jbrms.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-163-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 4 (9-2015) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی تحقیقات پایه در علوم پزشکی Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences
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