Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran ,
Abstract: (5515 Views)
Introduction: Burns are one of the most common household and industrial injuries. There are evidences which demonstrate the therapeutic properties of honey and Aloe vera. We evaluated the topical influences of this material and nano zinc combination on healing the wounds caused by third-degree burns.
Materials and methods: 32 balb/c mice divided into a control group (without treatment), group 1 (treated with Aloe vera and nano zinc), group 2 (treated with Aloe vera, honey and nanoz inc) and group 3 (treated with honey and nano zinc). The third-degree burn was created on the back of balb/c mice with general anesthesia observing sterile conditions. Local treatment of burn was conducted once a week during 6 weeks and after the end of treatment, were anesthetized by ether and then killed. After fixation, the practical steps of general histology technique were performed on it. The samples stained with hematoxylin–eosin and they observed with a microscope.
Results: We found full tightening of the burn wound and less scar in the group treated with nano zinc and honey compared to control group and other groups. In histological studies, a significant increase was found in the overall thickness of the skin, keratinocyte layer, the epidermis and hypodermis, number and diameter of the hair follicles in a third group versus other groups.
Conclusion: The results showed the organic honey and nano zinc combination accelerate the healing process of burn wound in male balb/c mice. While adding Aloe vera to this composition doesn't have an effect on wound healing.
Yari R, Khodadadi I, Aliyari F, Saremi Z. Influences of combining nano zinc, honey and Aloe vera to accelerate healing the wounds caused by third–degree burn in male balb/c mice. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2018; 5 (1) :38-46 URL: