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:: Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2014) ::
2014, 1(3): 1-13 Back to browse issues page
Disinfection and general cleaning practices used in health care centers and hospitals
Amini Razieh , Rashid Heidari Moghadam , Somayeh Soleimani , Seyed Vahid Madihi , Ali Hematian , Iraj Pakzad , Kobra Heidarzadi , Negin Karami , Zeinab Karimi , Farid Azizi Jalilian
, azizifarid@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7995 Views)
Improving cleaning and disinfection performance must be taken into account for prevention and control of infection. Health care settings are engaged in a battle against healthcare associated infection (HAIs). The importance of infection prevention and control is increasing due to rapidly developing strains of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) that can result in serious illness and even death in workers and patients. There are many cleaning and disinfectant protocols used in health care centers and hospitals. Conventional cleaning and disinfecting methods are not completely effective. On the other hand, some of these products are known or suspected to be associated with eye, skin irradiation, respiratory disorders and allergies. Concerns about adverse human health effects of conventional cleaning and disinfecting products have led to the development of new methods to achieve better results and less adverse effects. Some of these procedures may reduce human health effect as well as reduce costs.
Keywords: Disinfection, infection, resistant, hospital, conventional
Full-Text [PDF 312 kb]   (1940 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Epidemiology
Received: 2014/12/16 | Accepted: 2014/12/16 | Published: 2014/12/16
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Razieh A, Heidari Moghadam R, Soleimani S, Madihi S V, Hematian A, Pakzad I, et al . Disinfection and general cleaning practices used in health care centers and hospitals. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2014; 1 (3) :1-13
URL: http://jbrms.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-70-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 3 (12-2014) Back to browse issues page
مجله ی تحقیقات پایه در علوم پزشکی Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences
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