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:: Volume 11, Issue 3 (6-2024) ::
2024, 11(3): 66-72 Back to browse issues page
Polymorphism of the Testis-Specific Serine/Threonine Kinase 6 (TSSK6) Gene in Spermatozoa of Asthenozoospermia Patients at Institut Pasteur of Côte d'Ivoire
Konan Guy Sylvère N'zi , Jules Eric Hermann Ayekoue , Marie Florence N'guessan , Founzégué Amadou Coulibaly , Allico Joseph Djaman
Alassane Ouattara University, Department of Science and Technology, Côte d’Ivoire , guysylverenzi@yahoo.fr
Abstract:   (586 Views)
Introduction:Phosphorylation reactions highlight the essential role of protein kinases in sperm motility. TSSK6 protein is thought to play a crucial role in this process. Indeed, sperm obtained from mice with the Tssk6-/- genotype are unable to carry out fertilization and exhibit decreased motility. This leads us to investigate the causes of asthenozoospermia by searching for polymorphisms in the TSSK6 gene. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify polymorphisms in the TSSK6 gene in men affected by asthenozoospermia.
Material & Methods: The methodology involved direct sequencing of spermatozoa DNA. Thirty ejaculates were analyzed, including 20 from asthenozoospermic men and 10 from normozoospermic men. Spermograms were performed according to WHO procedures. DNA extraction was carried out using the phenol/chloroform method followed by conventional PCR. The amplicons were sequenced using the Sanger method, and the sequences were analyzed with BioEdit software. The data were analyzed using Fisher and Mann-Whitney tests.
Results: The results revealed mutations in the TSSK6 gene in both normospermic and asthenozoospermic ejaculates. The synonymous mutations c.690T>C (p.Tyr230Tyr) and c.372C>A (p.Arg124Arg) were the most frequent, occurring at rates of 50% and 33.33%, respectively. Analysis of the mutations using PolyPhen-2 indicated that all mutations observed in normozoospermic samples are benign and would not affect sperm quality. However, only the mutations described in asthenozoospermic samples are predicted to be damaging to the protein.

ConclusionIn conclusion, mutations in the TSSK6 gene were observed in infertile men. Deleterious mutations in the TSSK6 protein are associated with asthenozoospermia
Keywords: Infertility, Male, Gene, Protein, Mutation, TSSK6
Full-Text [PDF 787 kb]   (239 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Cellular and molecular biology
Received: 2024/02/9 | Accepted: 2024/06/2 | Published: 2024/06/21
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N'zi K G S, Ayekoue J E H, N'guessan M F, Coulibaly F A, Djaman A J. Polymorphism of the Testis-Specific Serine/Threonine Kinase 6 (TSSK6) Gene in Spermatozoa of Asthenozoospermia Patients at Institut Pasteur of Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences 2024; 11 (3) :66-72
URL: http://jbrms.medilam.ac.ir/article-1-824-en.html

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