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:: Most Visited Articles
Fungal peritonitis and cancer near the abdominal regions (33922 Views)
Antifungal agents: Polyene, azole, antimetabolite, other and future agents (19136 Views)
Detection and enumeration of Cryptosporidium oocysts in environmental water samples by Real-time PCR assay (18744 Views)
Application of Azolla Filiculoides biomass for Acid blue 15 dye (AB15) Removal from aqueous solutions (17896 Views)
Learning Styles of Nursing Students in Iran using the Kolb's Theory: A review Study (12315 Views)
Effect of naproxen on postoperative pain in teeth with irreversible pulpitis (8228 Views)
The effect of grape seed extract and aerobic activity on lipid profile in obese elderly women (8220 Views)
Disinfection and general cleaning practices used in health care centers and hospitals (8005 Views)
Health Impacts of Particulate Matter in Air using AirQ Model in Khorramabad City, Iran (7789 Views)
Health promoting hospitals: A case study in Iran (7475 Views)
Animal Bite and its Contributors in Aq-Qala District, Golestan Province, Iran (7421 Views)
Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C infections among volunteer blood donors at the blood transfusion center of Ilam city, Iran (7395 Views)
Pattern of fat distribution (waist to hip ratio) and body mass index in high school adolescents in Ilam (7331 Views)
Simultaneous Determination of Brilliant Blue FCF and Carmoisine in Food Samples by Aqueous Two-Phase System and Spectrophometric Detection (7302 Views)
Design, cloning and expression assay of oipA gene in a bicistronic vector harboring mice IL-18 gene: potential implications for Helicobacter pylori vaccine investigations (7134 Views)
Macro-ergonomics and human ability indices at work: Assessment of job groups and workers by using of Relative Stress Index (RSI) and Work Ability Index (WAI) (7072 Views)
GC- MS analysis and anticancer effect against MCF-7 and HT-29 cell lines and antioxidant, antimicrobial and wound healing activities of plant- derived compounds (6913 Views)
Epidemiological assessment of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Ilam province between 2005 -2011 (6851 Views)
The effect of pioglitazone and metformin on non-alcoholic fatty liver: A double blind clinical trial study (6816 Views)
Investigating antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extract and essential oil of Tymbra spicata against some pathogenic bacteria (6672 Views)
Ergonomic assessment of Sina car montage industry employees 'working positions by REBA (Rapid entire body assessment) (6584 Views)
Prevalence of viral infection of blood donors in Ilam blood transfusion center (6433 Views)
Effects of cell phone radiation on migration of granule cells in rat cerebellum (6364 Views)
Hormonal changes in women with breast cancer infected with Toxoplasma gondii (6318 Views)
Predicting the behavioral intention of pregnant women’s choice of delivery method based on the theory of planned behavior: A cross-sectional study (6162 Views)
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:: Most Downloaded Articles
Antifungal agents: Polyene, azole, antimetabolite, other and future agents (7059 Downloads)
Anisocoria under general anesthesia with Propofol (6869 Downloads)
The correlation of learning and study strategies with academic achievement of nursing students (6342 Downloads)
Comparison of the first trimester ultrasound and Parikh’s formula in determining the expected date of delivery: A prospective study (5722 Downloads)
Ergonomic assessment of Sina car montage industry employees 'working positions by REBA (Rapid entire body assessment) (3487 Downloads)
The effect of high intensity interval training on telomere length and telomerase activity in non-athlete young men (3435 Downloads)
Simultaneous Determination of Brilliant Blue FCF and Carmoisine in Food Samples by Aqueous Two-Phase System and Spectrophometric Detection (3428 Downloads)
Removal of methylene blue from aqueous solutions using modified clay (3380 Downloads)
Fungal peritonitis and cancer near the abdominal regions (3366 Downloads)
Prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C infections among volunteer blood donors at the blood transfusion center of Ilam city, Iran (3232 Downloads)
Assessment and modeling of chlorine release in urban region: A case study in water supply of Eyvan city, Iran (3021 Downloads)
A model to predict low birth weight infants and affecting factors using data mining techniques (3019 Downloads)
Effect of naproxen on postoperative pain in teeth with irreversible pulpitis (2999 Downloads)
Zoonotic Parasitic infections of cats in human community: A histopathological Study (2854 Downloads)
Hormonal changes in women with breast cancer infected with Toxoplasma gondii (2767 Downloads)
Mebeverine alleviates lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (2758 Downloads)
Influences of combining nano zinc, honey and Aloe vera to accelerate healing the wounds caused by third–degree burn in male balb/c mice (2714 Downloads)
Comparison effect of Lavender and Citrus aurantium aroma on anxiety in female students at Golestan University of Medical Sciences (2709 Downloads)
Comparison of Apgar score in new born by vaginal delivery and spinal anesthesia and its relationship with contributing factors (2693 Downloads)
Macro-ergonomics and human ability indices at work: Assessment of job groups and workers by using of Relative Stress Index (RSI) and Work Ability Index (WAI) (2666 Downloads)
Citrullus colocynthis fruit extract as an anti-depressant in mice (2645 Downloads)
Theory of mind and its neural mechanisms: A case study of Kurdish-Persian congenitally blind children in Ilam city (2592 Downloads)
Determination of corrosion and scaling levels of drinking water in distribution system: A study in Sarableh city (Ilam), western of Iran (2567 Downloads)
Effect of different concentrations of Aloe vera leave's extract on the healing process of rat's second degree burn (2526 Downloads)
Effects of cell phone radiation on migration of granule cells in rat cerebellum (2490 Downloads)
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:: Most studied contents
Instructions to Authors ( 39110 view)
About the Journal ( 36965 view)
Editorial Team ( 18199 view)
New Journal website launched ( 14372 view)
Contact information ( 11709 view)
Aims and Scopes ( 10802 view)
Registration Information ( 10554 view)
ReviewProcess ( 9081 view)
Creative Commons ( 8997 view)
indexing ( 8365 view)
Editorial Board ( 6427 view)
Reviwers ( 6317 view)
ethical statement ( 6269 view)
Editorial Policy ( 5930 view)
Call for paper ( 5880 view)
Peer review ( 5091 view)
Indexing ( 3082 view)
To reviewers ( 1282 view)
Contact us ( 1230 view)
Authors’ guidelines ( 1201 view)
Publishing process - step by step ( 1156 view)
Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences ( 1116 view)
Policies and publication ethics ( 1077 view)
Aim & scope ( 1037 view)
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New Journal website launched ( 59 send)
Editorial Team ( 54 send)
Contact information ( 53 send)
About the Journal ( 53 send)
Registration Information ( 49 send)
Aims and Scopes ( 49 send)
Welcome ( 44 send)
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:: Most printed contents
Instructions to Authors ( 4152 print)
Editorial Team ( 2574 print)
About the Journal ( 1858 print)
New Journal website launched ( 1764 print)
Contact information ( 1633 print)
Aims and Scopes ( 1524 print)
Registration Information ( 1438 print)
Creative Commons ( 1200 print)
ethical statement ( 1137 print)
Editorial Policy ( 1082 print)
ReviewProcess ( 1068 print)
Call for paper ( 1043 print)
indexing ( 1033 print)
Reviwers ( 979 print)
Peer review ( 799 print)
Indexing ( 454 print)
Welcome ( 453 print)
Editorial Board ( 386 print)
Policies and publication ethics ( 213 print)
Contact us ( 202 print)
Authors’ guidelines ( 201 print)
Publishing process - step by step ( 199 print)
Why Submit? ( 196 print)
Aim & scope ( 190 print)
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مجله ی تحقیقات پایه در علوم پزشکی Journal of Basic Research in Medical Sciences
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